Round Up: List of Daily Goals to Keep the Offline/Online Balance For Kids at Home

For many parents the goal of reducing screen time during this Pandemic feels impossible to attain. If that feels like your situation then I’d recommend shifting your perspective. Instead of worrying about how much time your child is spending in front of a device, focus on making sure that all their physical, mental and spiritual needs are being met on a daily basis. If that is happening then you have less to worry about in the grand scheme of things - in the end it’s all about healthy balance.

A couple of tips: For every 30 min - 1 hour that your child spends in front of a screen insist on at least that same amount of time off of it immediately after. This way they are cycling between offline and online (rather than binging) which helps to keep your child’s dopamine levels in a more leveled out place with less craving behavior. Additionally, hold firm to the screen time rules you feel most strongly about - eg. no screens at meals or no devices in the bedroom. Not all the rules need to go out the window just because you are being more flexible! Below are some ideas of daily goals that you can insist your child meet in their offline time to ensure a more healthy and balanced day. Pick and choose the ones that work for you or come up with your own : )

  • 1 -2 hours/day - all at once or broken up into shorter intervals

  • 30 min - 1 hour/day of exercise - if you can get outdoors that’s preferable, but anything that gets the heart pumping is acceptable - even jumping on the bed!

  • 1 hour/day Choose a hobby or interest and explore it for - can be something new or something that your child is already into - not video games.

  • At least one quick connection with a friend of family member via Zoom, Facetime, old fashioned phone call

  • Completion of at least one chore to help out the family - good to discuss in advance!

  • At least one meal/day with the family with no devices on - to talk, connect, share ideas or feelings

  • Disconnect from devices 30 min - 1 hour before bedtime and engage in a quiet calming activity (reading, snuggling, writing in a journal, listening to podcast or audiobook, snack, bath, board games)

  • 9-11 hours of sleep

  • 10- 20 min of meditation with Headspace or Calm apps or other “meditative” activity

  • Cook or prepare 1 meal for themselves (or help with meal prep for the family)